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#455974 - You are having your own way with my ass and I am beginning to move as if you were fucking my ass with your tongue, you replace your tongue with a finger, it slides right in with all the saliva you supplied, so you push a second finger in and I push back against them, you use your other hand and thrust two fingers deep into my inflammed cunt, then a third, both hands are thrusting deep and I scream out as I cum hard OH MY GOD!! IM CUMMING! OH YES! I'M CUMMING!! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!! FUCK ME IN THE ASS!!! You of course want to please me (nevermind your own pleasure!! LOL!!!) so you grab me around the waist and pull me up a little then push me over the arm of the couch and push your rock hard cock against the ring of my tightness, your fingers have stretched it some already so you thrust deep, half way in on the first stroke, you reach around and grab my tits, pinching my nipples as you continue thrusting, I am pushing back against you in a frenzy Yes! YES! YES!!! FUCK ME!! FUCK MY

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